Name : Maurizio Sarmenghi
Affilate : Head of Consulting & Executive Education Unit of COFIMP
Responsabile B.U. Consulenza e Formazione Manageriale
Country : Bologna, ITALY
“COFIMP is a Consortium – with over 25 years of experience - which providing training and consultancy primarily for SME’s in industries associated to UNINDUSTRIA BOLOGNA – the National Association of Entrepreneurs.”  
“The financial crisis of 2008 had forced enterprises to change quickly. The new challenge is to come along with these changes efficiently…enabling mangers to face new challenges.”  
“The Research and Innovation Laboratory invests in knowledge development and applied research to devise projects and create tools and methodologies which can be translated into innovation for products and services – ‘knowledge into action’. This unit provides contacts with the entrepreneurial world, outside institutions, the education system and research at national and European level and aims to anticipate trends, pick out the needs of companies, individuals and organizations, and set up partnerships. It is also characterized by a lively publishing activity.”  
“The coming years will be characterized by intense competitivity and the ability to propose innovative solutions will be fundamental. Knowledge economy will be at the core of this.”