Mónica Moso

Name: Mónica Moso

Title: General Director

Parque Tecnológico de Zamudio, edif. 101, 48170 Zamudio, Bizkaia, SPAIN

Tel: + 34 94 420 9809
Fax: + 34 94 420 9516

URL: www.clusterconocimiento.com

“A practitioner of clustering processes and a promoter of sharing inter-organisational knowledge.”

“Challenge: to create and facilitate an interaction space and collaboration in management through Cluster Conocimiento as an interactive and cooperative structure articulated with collective learning and exchange of knowledge between agents coming from the management world.”

“We need higher consolidation and specialization of theory and praxis, since the theoretical corpus tends to be excessively generalist and the praxis is really reductionism, being extremely related to its context.”

“In the knowledge economy tacit and explicit knowledge are the core of competitiveness involving individual, collective or organizational learning, with people, organizations and technologies key factors. This process of world-wide extension establishes new challenges to regions and towns, and at the same time create new opportunities for them, which come from their unique capacity as innovation and learning centres.”