[E100 Alert] E100 Authors - Spheres of Influence
  Meet the E100 Authors…
Mary Adams
Salim T S Al-Hassani
Verna Allee
Debra M. Amidon
Charles Armstrong
Tom Asacker
Jerry Ash
Rob Atkinson
Partha Banerjee
Robert Bell
Alex & David Bennet
Nick Bontis
Jim Brazell
F. Javier Carrillo
David Coleman
Martin Curley
Ross Dawson
Edward DeBono
John Dumay
Soumitra Dutta
Ron Dvir
Leif Edvinsson
Hazim El-Naser
Piero Formica
David Gibson
Jennifer Ann Gordon
Annie Green
Carol Kinsey Goman
David Gurteen
Robert Huggins
Akira Ishikawa
Chen Jin
Abdul Samad Kazi
Jalil Khavand Kar
Lars Kolind
Robert K. Logan
Thomas F. Malone
Kim Chandler McDonald
Eunika Mercier-Laurent
Thomas Moebus
Ikujiru Nonaka
Edna Pasher
Kenneth Preiss
Madanmohan Rao
Frank-Jurgen Richter
Hubert Saint-Onge
Charles Savage
Giovanni Schiuma
David J. Skyrme
Janis Stabulnieks
Karl-Erik Sveiby
Sheridan Tatsuno
Karl Wiig
Dana Winner
David Wortley
"We are like dwarfs
on the shoulders of giants,
so that we can see more than they.”

– Bernard of Chartres [12th Century]
Dear E100:
We witness daily the impact of global knowledge exchange. Kaleidoscopic change is evident as we contrast the writings from the Agricultural through the Knowledge Age and now the Digital Era. Indeed, we have learned from the collective insights in our E100 Network…a symbiosis enabling us to build upon the practice of one another.
Leadership is marked by deeds not words. Progress is measured by the courage to offer in writing one's insights and convictions. Proof of contributions of E100 is evident and seminal: just scan the E100 Author page on the website: http://www.entovation.com/books.htm. 55 expert authors from 22 countries.
Australia - Canada - China – Denmark – England - Finland – France – Germany – India - Iran – Ireland – Israel – Italy – Japan - Jordan - Kuwait - Latvia – Mexico – Sweden - Switzerland - United States – Wales
Individual publications have made a difference; but collectively, the etchings of some E100 leaders represent a visible, significant and global influence.
Given the dynamics of the blogsphere and social networking, recording insights may be more important today than ever.
Here are some of our newest additions:
Robert A. Bell
Brain Gain: How Innovative cities create job growth in an age of disruption
Alex and David Bennet
Decision Making in The New Reality:
Complexity, Knowledge and Knowing
Annie Green
Making it Real - Sustaining Knowledge Management:
Adapting for Success in a Knowledge-based Economy
Jennifer Ann Gordon
A Woman's Mind Half Naked
John Dumay
Intellectual Capital in Action:
A Critical Approach to Putting IC Theory Into Practice
Chen Jin
Quality Innovation: Knowledge, Theory and Practices
Chen Jin
Jalil Khavand Kar
Intellectual Capital Management:
Global Perspectives on Higher Education, Science and Technology
Piero Formica
Stories of Innovation for the Millennial Generation:
The Lynceus long view
Thomas Moebus
Entrepreneurship in New York:
The Mismatch between Venture Capital and Academic R&D
Tom Asacker
The Business of Belief: How the World's Best Marketers, Designers, Salespeople, Coaches, Fundraisers, Educators, Entrepreneurs and Other Leaders Get Us to Believe
Kim Chandler McDonald
!nnovation: How Innovators Think, Act, and Change Our World
Do take a look at the 'Meet the E100 Authors' on the ENTOVATION website to see the array of titles that E100 leaders have written over the past few years.
In fact, you might like to share the wealth with your respective networks.
Here’s what E100 Jennifer Ann Gordon did for her Blog – Business to a Different Beat:
Entovation International’s Rich Treasure
Trove of Authors
Knowledge capture and cultivation to build understanding and wisdom require a global piazza, a meeting place, to learn and co-learn, in order to grow more knowledge, wisdom and understanding … in order to be a not-so-secret agent for positive change. Read more…
Now, what did I miss?!
Let me know if you have publications that should be listed and given visibility.

Always in your Network,

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